Saturday 24 June 2023

One Summer Holiday In Devon

 We went camping in Devon many times from our home in Gosport in Hampshire. One Summer while in our family tent, a storm blew up and our dad and my big brother held the tent up all night while our mum, my big sister, me and my little brother stayed in the car.

When we woke up the next morning our tent was the only one that stayed up. All the other tents on the site had blown away. The fence on the edge of the site had blown down and cows from the next field were roaming about the site where people were sleeping on the ground.
We all packed up and went back to Gosport but my mum was determined we didn't miss out on our holiday as she didn't get much time off work.
The next day she checked the weather forecast on our phone and the sun had come back to Devon. So we travelled all the way back there to another site and spent the rest of the holiday in the sunshine.