Friday, 2 April 2021

Update on the Silly Bin Saga


That song brings back memories, when dustman just picked up the bins and there was none of this 'check website for updates'

So, I wandered down the path on Thursday morning as that was the date of bin pick up stated on our council website, only to find that the bin was where I left it. I got all excited at the idea that the bin had been put back, only to find it hadn't been emptied.

The above is a recap just in case you didn't read the previous post.

I was going to post here on Saturday only the refuse collectors decided to empty my bin a day early with no notice on the council site. Now for my family this is an ongoing minor  annoyance, but what if I had been an older person living alone? How would I be expected to know that refuse collectors just turn up when they feel like it.

On the 12th April our black bins will start getting picked up every other week instead of weekly with the recycling bins being picked up on the weeks in between. I can check with the calendar on-line but how do people work things out when they don'y have the internet or don't know how to find the calendar? 

It's been suggested by the Facebook experts who all seem to have huge walled  gardens, that we all get compost bins. I best start saving up to buy a place with a garden where people are going to leave compost bins alone. It must be lovely to live in fantasy land, but a lot of  people don't.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Silly Bin Episode


So, the 'assisted' sticker turned up from Amazon and as in the picture I stuck them on before leaving the black bin out on Wednesday evening. With it being Easter weekend coming up, we were told that our black bin would be picked up on Thursday instead of this Friday.

So off I trot on Thursday morning only to find that not only had the bin not been moved, it hadn't been emptied either. After a bit of a swear at the refuse collectors who weren't there to hear me, I went indoors to have a bit of a whinge to Billy.

We settled down to our coffee with me on the chromebook and Billy faffing about on his phone. I then thought I'd check the Easter dates for the bin emptying and the date had been switched to Saturday lol I guess that our local council department who puts out this information must think we are all psychic.

I'll be having another go at this on Saturday