Monday, 26 October 2020

Suggestion for Hungry Children

 So we have had "Clap for the NHS" (nothing changed) and "Clap for the carers" (nothing changed there either), so I have a suggestion.

Why not try out the 'third time lucky' principle and do something to help hungry children in the UK

At 8pm on Thursday, why not stand outside our homes and bang together plastic lunch boxes for 2 minutes then finish this event off with with a food fight 🥔🥐🍑🥕🥨🥖🌭🍔🥝

Saturday, 17 October 2020

COVID-19 Response Regarding Face Coverings

My husband and I have been shielding since before the COVID crisis as we both have serious medical conditions.

I have been housebound for several years due to a compromised immune system so I really need people to wear face coverings around me. While I know that I am exempt from wearing face coverings, I also know that I can be an asymptomatic carrier so choose not to go to indoor public spaces. I cannot be around asymptomatic carriers either so avoid indoor public spaces for this reason too.

Back in 2015 I caught a cold and ended up with multiple organ failure, cardiac arrest and several days in a coma. I still have long term issues due to a related brain injury. It's vital that we don't risk infecting others.