Thursday, 31 March 2016

Another Day in the Twilight Zone

Getting on for 9am on a sunny day in Eastbourne.....I only know what the weather is like by looking round to see if the staff have put the lights on then checking out the time on my Android.

I can see more once the window blinds are up but since the staff seem to do this randomly I tend to have to wait till breakfast is here.

I have been in hospital for getting on for 3 weeks now..most of which I have totally no memory of. I don't remember an ambulance being called nor how I got here. The first thing I recall about my unplanned break away was waking up in the intensive care unit HERE

Getting on for 18:00

NHS internet has been down since about noon and I got that bored I bought a Puzzler Code Words book. The upside is that I also started reading my kindle version of Feel The Fear and do it Anyway

I had a hard copy of this book when I was living in Hampshire but left my books behind when I re-located to East Sussex in February 2014. I am now wanting to order my favourite books for the cloud reader.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Elephant in the room

History is repeating itself....back in the 80's tried to get my health issues investigated, Doctors at the time decided not to investigate further than the one thing they tested for.
2016....cardiac arrest...then coma..
..blood having only one thing treated...all other stuff

Looks like I won't get any of the current medical issues addressed unless I pay to have the right tests sorted and get to see the appropriate medical staff.

08:35.....breakfast out of the way...would have a wash but only have 2 tee-shirts here and no jammy bottoms I can fit over my legs that are swollen with lymphatic fluid....bugger.

18:22....all food sorted out....medical stuff as sorted as it is going to be for now. Told other half that the consultant has said she is working on getting me home on Friday so he now thinks I am actually going home on Friday. I now wish I hadn't bothered mentioning it.

Having a drowsy I think I could have a lie down before I keel over....resting is blooming hard work.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Motivation is an Inside Job

Volunteer Centre East Sussex
8 Saffrons Road, Eastbourne, BN21 1DG
T: 01323 301 757

Since just about everyone around me seems to think I have nowt much wrong with me...I might as well start looking for work...I could be working again this time next

I was told today that I am medically fit to leave hospital but things need to be safe for me back home. So someone from local adult social care is coming to see me and also the hospital psychiatrist.

To be honest...I don't want to leave here until I am thrown out,

I am now being told that now they have the dosage of Thyroxine as it should be, there is no reason that I won't get back to a life where I can get out and about. So I am thinking I will give myself a year to get to a reasonable level of health and then get my life back. 

In the meantime I will be consulting my life coaching mentors and adding to my blog.....

Patient to care worker: I want to die
Care worker to patient: Do you need some help?
Patient to Care worker: Please help me...I can't breathe
Care worker to me in a whisper: I wish she'd make her bloody mind up

This just part of the fun that goes on in the ward where I am currently staying


Gosport High Street on market day.

Having spent a lot of time from being a teenager studying a whole bunch of psychological approaches and related stuff, I am wondering now how this connects with my real world interests and loves.

I was born in Gosport in Hampshire in 1960...moved around a bit locally while living in various of my family homes until 1975 when we moved back to Gosport where I chose to stay.

I worked, played, married/divorced, raised 2 offspring with special needs (educational as well as medical etc) owned and rented homes, ran a business, did paid and volunteering work and spent time in various stages of physical health....all in Gosport...right up until I was 54. So you COULD say that Gosport is where my roots are.

Group dynamics has fascinated me for a long time...and one of the things I miss about Gosport is the ease in which I could get out and chat to many people (mostly random people) while going about my day to day real world life. The group dynamics I am a part of now is happening in a medical ward at Eastbourne District General Hospital

The above photo was included to show what kind of place I visited most days. 

Storm Katie Hits The South

Slept through the storm of 1987 and then slept through this one

The footage below is from my local area

and below is some of what I slept through in 1987 lol

Monday, 28 March 2016

Boring Medical Update

Currently recovering from being resuscitated and from being in a coma for a few days. It appears that all the symptoms I was having for several months prior to turning up here are not going to be investigated so I might have to wait for a lottery win so that I can have these checked out privately.

Brain Function after resuscitation   Interesting link that...apparently full brain function is rare...eek!...the next person who asks me....I already told you that...don't you remember? going to get a

First monitoring rounds have been blood pressure and temperature are within the healthy range as is my blood glucose level....well...that sentence lives up to the title of this post...

Time for a lie down I's now 08:45....breakfast sorted...managed to change my teeshirt...but too knackered to do much else until lunch time...might have roast chicken again today because I can still remember what that is

Later 17:30 Teatime

Other half turned up around 15:30 bringing me 3 bananas and hugs :) It's been fairly quiet today. Thought it was a bit windy outside this morning...turns out that STORM KATIE IN EASTBOURNE has been at work.  While I slept the whole of the south of England it seems was being battered.

No surprise there though as I also slept through THIS STORM IN 1987

Sunday, 27 March 2016

All Quiet in the wrinklies world

Thought I would use the above photo until I work out how to add those taken by my Android to a folder. I must have known how to do this before my recent trip to fairyland as I actually found folders today that I had organised previously.

It's getting on for 21:00 in England. British Summer time and Easter Sunday happened on the same day this we have a slightly lighter evening today AND I have chocolate, My other half's cousin dropped by today and surprised me by handing over a Cadbury creme egg Easter that's me sorted for at least a week.

We should have a new arrival later this evening as someone left a few hours ago and there is a quick turnover on this medical ward, All quiet for a while but you never know when things might kick

Fairy Land...and what happened since...Part one

For those who haven't heard... Arrived here (Eastbourne General Hospital) on the 10th of March 2016 

Don't remember being here or the trip in the ambulance,...was medically assessed ...then moved to a medical ward where my heart stopped...

I was brought back with CPR then went into a coma for a few days and woke up in ICU,,,might be home next week...or maybe not...just chilling on a medical ward till they throw me

This is just a general intro post ...will be adding more details as my memory returns to a more functional level.

When I returned from the coma...I noticed some weird shit memory wise. I had totally forgotten how to walk and dress myself but still knew how to use my Android and what it was I said...weird shit.